
Does your spiritual self have a place in your love life? What about the love for yourself?

Over the last few weeks I have had you engage in various exercises, thoughts and ideas about falling in love with yourself

Has your Sacred Self come forward? Have you listened to her giant voice within? Have you made changes to honor yourself?

Loving your body had more to do with being grounded than worrying about the size of your ass. Did you get that?

Did you find your spiritual self and your Sacred Self to be one in the same?

You have begun to get the whole mind, body, spirit integration. When you begin practicing and living from this vision, the love in your life will be so full. And of course, your relationship with your lover will be so much richer, fuller, and more delicious.

Connecting with our spiritual self, our Sacred Self allows us to recognize we are all connected.

What does this have to do with your love relationship?

Well, besides the better sex aspect which in and of itself is a good enough reason, we are better partners.

We get out of the you vs. me, he is so different, I don’t understand him, mode. While I love, love, love the difference between men and women, and feel it is so critical to understand the difference, underneath it all we really are the same.

Our lover also have a Sacred Self, a spiritual self.

Our lovers want what we want, to be appreciated, to be understood, to have a safe space for emotional expression, and to be loved, honored and adored every day.

The spiritual side of ourselves is the softer, more forgiving, honest side. Our ego is not running the show when we are loving from our Sacred Self.

Living from my Sacred Self is what I personally strive for. When I get on autopilot and fall asleep at the wheel of my life, I am not operating from a place of spirit.

What I have learned is I actually feel safer living from this prospective. When I try to control everything, I feel lost.

Your love life is not just the love you have for your soul mate, it is the love for yourself. The two are intertwined.

So often women keep them separate. When we are in doing everything for everyone in the name of ‘LOVE’ and not practicing it for ourselves,  it rings hollow, doesn’t it?

There is so much written about spiritual self vs. ego it would be hard for me to give you one place to turn to for guidance.

So let me just share 3 Ways to Bring Your Spiritual Self into Your Love Life:

  1. Forgiveness is the start. Forgiveness is really the act of becoming aware and then releasing old emotions, energy and thoughts which no longer serve us.  Who do you want to forgive, but can’t seem to “let it go?” Is it yourself maybe? How about you start there? Forgive yourself for not doing all the stuff on your bug list, for not losing that last 10 pounds, for not this and for not that. Aware. Forgive YOU Release.
  2. Allow yourself to have time everyday just for YOU. Yes, with you, the Sacred Self YOU. Not being mama, wifey, sister, daughter, worker bee, just you. Gift time to yourself. The time is intended to remember and listen to the inner knowing you have for all the good in your life. Sacred Self  YOU Time.
  3. Share who you really are. Stop hiding. I know you are doing it. You don’t want to openly, honestly share you opinions, thoughts, feelings and dreams. You go about life worrying what other people will think. Stop it. Sharing who you are and being authentic is what you are meant to do in this very short life. You are more wonderful than you may even realize! Share YOU.

Falling in love with yourself can be as amazing as falling in love with your soul mate. When you are more in love with YOU, your love life will show it.

Women have been socialized to put themselves last. I am giving you permission today to start putting yourself first, putting your Sacred Self first, go have a date with her and tell her you love her!

To you amazing relationships,
